Monday, December 8, 2008

what a DAY

so my day starts off horrible, but it got way better its seemed to bee all jokes
a cheerleader gets into a fight well jumped rather lol, idk why i find that funny but i do, then practice comes around and makes everything a bit more Live.
we got alot accomplished, made up two dances bomb i know right lol
so this is when all the horror and terror kick in. lol
so i was walking Ashly home(the Heights) as usual and we decided to take a couple of pictures under the street lights it was fun here are a couple that we took.

what ashly wore:
royal/navy blue vintage sweater with leather shoulder coverings
black tights
gold zebra earrings
gold rope chain
worn teal leather bag
pointy toe leather boots

What devin wore:
levi's painter button up
Lawrence thomas` original slevless hoodie
gray jeans
black moccasins
hand made bead necklace

well back to the story were now by parent elementary when this dude in this creepy ass truck passes by staring at us, then he makes a quick U-turn and thats when Ash and i started hauling ass full speed down the street then we hit the corner and he passes by and makes a left omg we kept running too her house... we told ashly's mom and she said we should of got the license plate number lmao
man o man what a fucking night
need i remind you this is all on a school night.

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