so today i had a break through. i often wonder what does all this mean, "this" being LIFE. i went out today in search of a j.o.b something i haven't had since the summer and i got 25 applications=] via metro public transportation. As i rode the bus by myself i looked at what was happening around me, The people,The environment, what does it all really mean i looked at the next person wondering if they were going through anything life changing, wondering what kinda life style they live, how did they get there. Its crazy how the mind can Wonder off so far within the small time periods available. and i got home and my mom plays me really close she promised me $2oo for my birthday and she only gives me $1oo, at first i was really upset thinking shes trying to make my life a living hell, when i realized how heavy her load truly is, i mean she goes to work 5 days a week, buys all the food, pays bills, takes care of my grandfather and my step father all on a librarians salary with absolutely no help from anyone (deep huh). so I'm not gonna trip i get things all through the year so hey, people receive your blessing don't block them.
this my reality.

this barbie was the sickest barbie i ever seen (good will)

kenneth cole reaction collection=]

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