cookie was great

what ashly wore
grey corduroy blazer
blue and white vertical stripe shirt
white tights
leather horse boots
what dev wore
navy peacoat
blue and teal flannel
black vest
grey pants
black mocassins
Now this is where all hell breaks loose my mom and I haven't talked for 3 days (WTF) so I come home last night and she buys food for everyone else and not me so I had to walk to crenshaw and spend my own money on food (double WTF) then I get back home and I think too my self I should be crying... but why let it show no one cares anyway, and plus it won't change anything so I chilled til I feel asleep, and I woke up actually thanking my mom(not literally) even tho she's not doing the motherly thing, in a way its teaching me that nothing in this world is free, nothing in the world is given to you as well, could this mean a more independent DEV on the way idk maybe so,
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