Friday, February 27, 2009
owe I've been incredibly busy this last week.
from organizing Tryouts, to work, family/friend issues
to up and coming performances, oh yeah and school.
in a way i like it but at the same time i don't because it doesn't give me
any free time to do what i want, however in a way i like it it keeps me focused
and driven to get so much accomplished.
p.s i should be posting again later on this weekend.
from organizing Tryouts, to work, family/friend issues
to up and coming performances, oh yeah and school.
in a way i like it but at the same time i don't because it doesn't give me
any free time to do what i want, however in a way i like it it keeps me focused
and driven to get so much accomplished.
p.s i should be posting again later on this weekend.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Thought nipsey hussle was h6od, lmao this dude white mike from 6o's is about 5`6 and bangs it wit a passion, and yes he is 1oo% white, this dude answers the phone saying "whats rollin" and ends with "on 6 0" lmao he too hood for life, and he has the "S" dome tatted on his face with hood under it. He aint playin no games oh and 1 more thing he's smart ass hell lmao he knew too much.

ok today was real chill i got to school and realized that i left everything at home so my mom picked me up and we went back home i ate breakfast, and then she took me too ( im extra`d) so i went to practice which was cool, so after practice i rode home with bre where i met white mike lmao .
Sunday, February 22, 2009
why is every thing vertical on my blog, all my past post and music are under my displayed post grrrrrrr>:o?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Kid Cudi
at first, when i saw this dudes name a couple of times on some of my friends blogs i thought, " its probably some more of the hype music that everyone's listening to" , but after i actually listened to him and some of the things he was saying in his raps or free styles they were really good, and mind boggling if i might add,
Tarnie & Raven
these two are hilarious, there the most innocent girls ever but however know all the lyrics to baddest bitch by trina, and still the baddest bitch by trina lmao.
The Baddest
The Baddest
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

so i got to school 15 before the 3rd period bell rang=]
i got too sleep late and everything it was great.
After school Ms. Sukara Thomas from U.S.C came for a audition, she was nuttier than a fruit cake but hey she has connections, and can get our school some prestige.
in other news we have new sponsors and were working on tryouts and all that end of the year goodstuff.
Me and ash are thinking about going to CalArts after we graduate and start taking classes at Debbie Allen senior year and core college classes at westLA senior year.
p e a c e
Monday, February 16, 2009

so I'm officially a vegetarian=].
For this being my second time since my 7th grade school year at becoming a vegetarian it really wasn't that hard as the first time. it was pretty easy, I don't miss meat one bit, and its helping me broaden my menu. I now think of different meals i can prepare or buy that aren't so boring.
wish me luck
p e a c e
glow in the dark my ass, I'm officially done with these promoted parties
like seriously there not as fun as the parties in the summer were, everyone dances the same and it smells like burnt weaves. If i go to another one I'll just go to look nice and kick it with the ENT's at the DJ booth. so this is what happened at the putting edge party at the bridge.
Me and Altri get there and the line is super packed so we just walk right to the front and go in, then when we get inside and its nothing like how i expected it would be and on top of that the DJ wasnt even set up yet, nothing was really moved, then come to find out the head ENT's didn't rent the place out from 9-2 they lied and only rented it out from 9- 12 wtf so it ended at 11:30 or so, so were standing out side putting edge and the Culver pd were super extra-ed they started tasering and threatening tear gas if we didn't move so we ran , it was like every Inglewood Family up there and of course they start nothing but trouble all the time so me and Altri started walking and ended at sepulveda and Jefferson where we then got picked up at.
oh and i skinned my knee and now have a frog on my leg big fucking WHOoMP.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine day

To all the lovers out there
i dare you to endulge in the "better than sex cake" lmao j.k
but my aunt made like 10 full size heart shaped cakes simular to the one here and it was by far the best cake in the world.
but my aunt made like 10 full size heart shaped cakes simular to the one here and it was by far the best cake in the world.
on this day i had to help my aunt sell baskets on crenshaw and 6oth, lol you may laugh but i made $100 ( thats good for what it was). My friends altrionna and Christina made things better tho they came out and supported me and bought a few things, other than that my day and night were pretty cool.
Alls well, That ends well
p e a c e
Friday the 13th
so school was cool cey cey boo to nasty had her nail polish on deck
after school i went with Bre, Mac, Justin, Papa, Ryan, Missy and Danielle ( Leandra ) to Little Caesar's pizza and everyone got cheesy bread ( the fucking best ) i believe I'm now addicted.
Afterwards we headed back to Papa's house, and it was probably the most fun i had in a long time. We ran, shot on each other, got free stuff from the ice cream truck ( because of Bre) , clown danced/ krump, worked eah other lmao, watched American gangster, listen too the Doo Dooest music ( pop lock and drop it, stanky leg, etc ) lol all in all i had a blast and what better way to end your Friday the 13th, than to go to the bridge late at night and see the movie Friday the 13th, I'm not even gonna lie i was scared as hell me and Leandra were super close that night lmao
notice the 98 cent store in the background
Leadra in the middle, mac to your left and papa to your right
( mac farts ewwww=[ )
that boy justin lonely lol
that girl bre a loc lol
p.s monday me and ashly are going veggie`s lol
( well just no meat )=]
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Your`s Truly
Today was a chill day as usual, theres really no excitment at westchester anymore lol
this teacher mr.miller is so boring, but funny and kinda weird might i add

i wasnt lying=]
this teacher mr.miller is so boring, but funny and kinda weird might i add

i wasnt lying=]
after school went to ladera with ash and ayanna=]. Ayanna and I had a couple of pretty good conversations about everything
jungle bunnys
as Ashly would say "pitures look better offgaurd"
me and Ayanna left ashly`s house and went to goodwill and it seemed to be a C.A.A.M(california, african american museum) reunion saw two of my old co-workers it was sad because we were both shopping for jobs lol=[
cayla west
afterwards me and ayanna headed toward kipp academy to see her lil sister performance
p.s i really love ayannas hair,
sorry if i bore you lol=]
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
today was an amazing day, it was real chill.
we got new classes today most of which i really don't care about lol
we got new classes today most of which i really don't care about lol
after school was the best went to C.I.S driving school w/ Belul Ayanna and Ashly=] and signed up for classes even though i took them passed and got my permit but it expired ( go figure).
then after wards we went to taco bell ate and talked a bit Belul is officially the grandma of the group lol . Afterward me and my best-friend ash=] walked back to her house and chilled on her lawn for a bit talking for a couple of hours while taking pictures in between=]
peace out
Monday, February 9, 2009
i admire other dancers such as the people featured in these videos above
if i cant have a hand in this industry i dont know what else i would do.
p.s do what makes you happy
please yourself first before attempting to
fill the needs of others
Rain you bitch
Does mother nature know what shes doing!
I'm in dyer need of a hair cut and she pulling a nutty.
how is gonna be all extra sunny, and rainbows all out side this morning and 2 hours later
its A COLD ASS rainy day grrrrrrr
i know imma regret this post in the summer, but right now idc lol
cant even see out the window=[
Sunday, February 8, 2009
vibe w/ her
a new comer in the world of
blogging=]. She has a interesting story to tell
about the lives of her self and closest friends.
This is better than a scene from a movie,
better yet "The Hills", Even better "Baldwin Hills" lol [j/k]
check her out for your self
Saturday, February 7, 2009
i just looked at a couple of papers from 8th grade and i found some things i wrote man i look at them now and I'm like damn i wasn't that bad!
I stand alone
During periods of isolation,
Ive learned to stand ALONE,
Through the darkness of my withered past and the brightness of my enlighten future,
Ive learned to stand ALONE,
No one woman nor man with common powers can hold me back from my aspirations in which i will achieve, i will proceed to do me with or, without you,
so i not only stand alone i walk alone with my head held high with a certain pride
that i will make it out alive
i came in this world alone, is that way i will leave this world.
i stand alone ...
no name
i have something that no one else can relate to,
i have an addiction,
a passion so deep its indescribable.
i will always look at the world through different eyes,
the eyes of and individual
( short but effective=] )
come to understand
my revelation to the world has never been far,
only that much closer than the next mans,
but in fact mines was cemented,
with the fear of greed,
the fear of defeat,
the fear of disbelief,
the fear that one day my brothas and sistas would turn against me.......
my revelation to the world will only be as close as our relationship as a people,
so tell me how close is that?
2/6 a wondeeful day
so lets inhale exhale with my flow!=]
so today was finals it was cool i tookmy 3rd period final and didnt bother with 4th period lol, in other words i ditched with Emon and Heaven. We decided that today would be mission filled no matter what! First stop lil hole in the wall mexican food place with the best nachos on planet earth, with great lighting might i add, of course i had to use it so i took a rather long bathroom break for the pitures,
( nacho plate=] )
so after our lil shoot we met brandon( d-lo ) and went on a jungle walk through inglewood to emons house=x
i like bigg booties and big ass titties( insider)
sunlight it my bestfriend
dirty grimey mean streets of inglewood lol
attempts to dance=]
after the walk we end up at emons house where well.....
pictures are worth a thousand words so i'll let them do the talking=x
started with hands
and it ended with a kiss!
(how corny)
but w.e all in all the day was fun
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- "Over a million drips of lost dreams still stain the sidewalk..... dont let your dreams become apart of this epidemic" - Dev