I wish i would have taken more pictures of the Decor it was elegant. plans changed like every 20 secs i swear we went to Roscoe's couldn't get a table so we went to IHop where we all got full and basically 86'd the whole after party/hotel plans. lmao.........
To think these will one day be our doctors, lawyers, police officers, presidents, and teachers. When do we draw the line from "cute", to plain out pitiful. It really rubs me the wrong way to see parents allowing their children to talk, or even play like this, where is the discipline,where is the "does and dont's" of parenting that I was well aware of as a child, I'm sorry but "whoopings" need to be reinstated, like really ask your selves if your parents heard you cursing let alone being disrespectful, how much trouble would you be in? Well i speak for my self when i say "a hell of alot". All I'm saying is that young parents in the black community need to get it together, you could be teaching your children way more than how to tell stories about bitches, hoes, and dependence of men or women to take care of them.
Well with the CalArts summer dance program coming to a close i will be able to blog alot more and also my blog will be going under going mase reconstruction really soon. Im aiming for a whole new approach.